Automated Job Distribution and Tracking Solution

With 15+ years of experience and over $2 Billion worth of Jobs matched, dispatched and tracked through our system, Eaco prides itself on having built a robust and versatile Job Distribution and Tracking solution capable of meeting a broad variety of needs.

Job Safety and Quality Management System

Ensuring that all jobs are completed safely and to a high quality are essential to every organisation. That said, actually achieving this and ensuring that safety and quality requirements are met by each and every member of staff or contractors is extremely difficult.

Supplier Invoice and Payment Management System

To preserve good relations, Eaco's Supplier Invoice and Payment Management System is designed to take the hassle out of managing all of their invoices and payments.

National Networks of Contractors

Recognised as an industry leader, Eaco has been advising clients and building online platforms for National Networks of Contractors since 2005. During that time, over $2 Billion in transactions have been managed using our technology.

Programmed Jobs

Ultimately, this will allow the focus of human personnel to be directed to tasks that hold greater commercial value; tasks that cannot solely be completed through the use of machines and software.

What is the Eaco System?

The Eaco System (Eaco) is a suite of software that enables you to easily collaborate in real-time with the key stakeholders in your network. It serves as a powerful works management platform to drive efficiency, transparency and productivity.

Invoice Schemas

Gone will be the days of quotes and invoices flying around everywhere – overloading and overwhelming back office staff – grinding business to a halt. Eaco’s Invoice Schemas feature will help you keep up with this volume of paperwork an integral role in keeping you well ahead of the pack.