Sonia Zeiback
Total 26 Posts
Schedule of Rates
This is where Eaco can step in - with solutions designed to keep your “house” secure - especially when it comes down to you getting paid.
Control Centre
Eaco has been designed as a collaborative works management platform and at the heart of it, is the Control Centre.
We have listened deeply to organisations over the years and the common theme, undoubtedly, has been the need to drive greater operational efficiencies through digital transformation.We listened. We delivered. And we are still delivering.This is achieved using Eaco — where taking the complex and making it simple — lies at
Job Templates
Eaco’s Job Templates bridge the gap between the challenge and the need to fulfil specific requirements. Ultimately your reputation for delivering client satisfaction will be strengthened.
Job Form Wizard
Job by job we make the world a better place. And it all starts with “Posting a Job”. Eaco enables you to Post a Job either (a) programatically, where you capture job information from other sources such as work orders; APIs; and emails; or (b) by manually entering the data into Eaco.
We all come to work each day for the right reason: to make the world a better place. This sure is a big responsibility to be charged with, yet limited time and resources make it difficult to fulfil such obligations.For this reason, Eaco holds true to the belief that
Communication is vital for the success of any business, particularly organisations that collaborate with a broad stakeholder network for the full execution of Works Management.The third phase of the Eaco Methodology, the Communicate phase, is all about communication; it is all about understanding and communicating what has to be