The Eaco Methodology

At Eaco we believe that better business leads to a better world.

To have the opportunity to contribute to this, is truly special and is something that should be strongly supported. That's what we value - the chance to support you to do what you do best; to help you make the difference you seek to make.

Our purpose is to provide you with the business expertise, technology solutions and the support you need to achieve your vision.

To accomplish this, we seek to understand who you are, what you do and how you do it. Once we determine your true North Star, we will work with you to apply the four stages of the Eaco Methodology to advise you on the best solution fit for your organisation. This is all aimed to position you at the forefront of your industry.

The Four Stages

Consider the Eaco Methodology as a Flywheel that is designed to set you apart from your competitors. The four stages of this self-reinforcing process enhance your organisation's Continuous Improvement culture:

1. Establish

Establish an innovative technology solution that reflects your unique business needs, industry language and sets yourself apart from your competitors.

During the Establish stage, Eaco's team of expert consultants work closely with you to:

  • Identify the business challenges you are seeking to overcome;
  • Recommend the solutions best suited to help you meet those challenges;
  • Apply a technically sound method to implement the solutions. This is to ensure your organisation and its Stakeholders will have a powerfully, solid platform that meets exact business needs; and
  • To roll out solutions amongst all relevant parties.

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2. Act

This is when the value and power of your Eaco-designed solution starts to shine. It is where your team and Stakeholders can easily work together to Act to ultimately achieve desired business outcomes and drive results in the real-world.

During the Act stage, you can operate with confidence:

  • That your time is valued;
  • Every action will deliver consistency and high quality results;
  • You are operationally efficient; And,
  • Compliance standards are upheld.

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3. Communicate

Communicate key information with your team and Stakeholders in real-time for the primary purpose of enhancing business efficiencies and driving effective action.

During the Communicate stage, the aim is to utilise the Reporting and Collaboration power of today's technology to help you drive:

  • Business insights;
  • Stronger relationships between staff, suppliers and clients; and
  • Trust between all parties.

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4. Optimise

Optimise by leveraging and maximising all facets of your business so that you are well positioned to take on current and future opportunities, meet demand and tackle market changes.

The Optimise stage, being the last element of the Eaco Methodology, helps identify the next rotation through the Eaco Flywheel of Continuous Improvement. During this stage, the following aspects are analysed:

  • What system changes need to be made as a result to market changes;
  • How well the technology solution is working and where it can be improved;
  • Other parts of the business that can be improved through use of the technology to; and
  • New and improved technology solutions that can be applied.

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