Category Mappings

“Computers do the calculating to allow people to transform the world” - Conrad Wolfram

As the world of work continues to transition into the digital age, we are being asked to use an overwhelming amount of new systems. The irony is – that for the sake of efficiency –  suppliers are being burdened with the inefficiency of operating multiple systems. Eaco’s Category Mappings functionality helps you take a step towards solving that problem.

Category Mappings helps you use Eaco as a central system that integrates and/or interacts with other systems. Categories are how the types of services you offer are classified and described. Category Mapping enables you to match the names of Eaco’s Categories with the names of the Categories (types of services) in other systems.

For example, Eaco has the category “Plumbing” whereas another system has the category “Plumber”. Category Mapping enables you to tell Eaco that those two categories mean exactly the same thing. Another example of a common category mapping is matching “Air-Conditioning & Heating” jobs with “HVAC Jobs”, and the list goes on.

The power of Category Mapping comes then come into play when you use Eaco to automatically match and dispatch jobs out to staff and suppliers. Once Eaco automatically matches a job from an external system with an Eaco-defined category, it can then use its powerful Profile Matching system to match your local staff or suppliers with that job, at which point the job will be automatically sent to them. How easy is that!
